Earlier reports that the disease was along the river, may have...

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Reply to Msg 6014

Earlier reports that the disease was along the river, may have been coincidental.

Do you know about the killer ants, which have been plaguing rural Haiti in recent months?

Is this disease near where they were?

If it comes from contaminated water, how come some victims get their water from purified sources?

Is something else responsible, or are there crooks in the water business, mislabeling water which really was not purified properly?

Alister Wm Macintyre, October 21 2010, 11:33 PM

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Earlier reports that the disease was along the river, may have been coincidental. Do you know about the killer ants, which have been plaguing rural... read more >
Alister Wm Macintyre, 21-Oct-10 11:33 pm
3 days ago, there was no one dead, or reported sick in a crisis. Within maybe 2 days (Oct 20 to now) masses of people descended on several... read more >
Alister Wm Macintyre, 21-Oct-10 11:50 pm
Sr. Woodring: La Escuela Tecnologica Superior Comunitria(ETESUC), auspiciada por la ONG UNICREDEC, ha formado muchos Tecnicos en Medicina... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Oct-10 8:38 pm
yes it is a viral bacteria! but my concern is.isn't a contaminated forge epedemic to our population? look how it is spreading,the spread of this... read more >
Martine Civil, 23-Oct-10 9:10 pm


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