Proud Hatien

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Reply to Msg 1331

This article got to me. I am a haitien young lady and I have been asked many times the same question.

Most people don't beleive me when I say that I am Haitien.

It is becuase I am caramel, educated and pretty that the only way that they know I am Haitien, is when I speak Creole.

All I have to say is that I am proud of my roots and not afraid to admit it.

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This article got to me. I am a haitien young lady and I have been asked many times the same question. Most people don't beleive me when I say that I... read more >
Topic, 16-Feb-05 7:45 am
Woodring, Thank you for letting this man share his article with us. It is wonderful adn I'll use it on my page on Haitianconnection to remind others... read more >
Topic, 16-Feb-05 10:40 am
As a young HAITIAN Woman, I want salute you for this article. GOOD JOD!!! read more >
Topic, 16-Feb-05 1:16 pm
Thank God for you!!You are someone with true Haitian Pride!!All you say is true. If you were to talk to a young Haitian today, and (if they even... read more >
Topic, 22-Feb-05 5:37 pm
First of all I'd like to thank God for inspiring tou with this read more >
Topic, 22-Feb-05 5:58 pm
mwen ta swete ke pwezi sa rive nan tet ak zzorey tout ayisien ak tout zot nasyon, mesi anpil epi fe intene ayisien-a mache...sipote sa ak... read more >
Topic, 23-Feb-05 9:59 am
Hello, My name is Nadia Sanon. I'm a 20 year old Floridian mother that just wanted to share the joy that I got from this poem. As a young child I... read more >
Topic, 24-Feb-05 9:42 pm
thank you!!!!!!!! that is so real cause let me tell you my parents are from haiti. the reason why I didn't like it is cause what i would see on tv... read more >
Topic, 28-Feb-05 9:57 am
tramadol soma buy tramadol 50 mg read more >
Alex, 23-Feb-11 7:16 am
mwen se ayisyen. *beats chest* sa se ayiti. read more >
Allan Graye, 25-Jan-13 8:04 pm
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