What does a Hatian look like
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Reply to Msg 1331
That poem truly hit the spot. Thank you for doing what you do. I'll be looking out for some more of your writings.
To share with my friends and family.
Topic: What Does a Haitian Look Like?
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That poem truly hit the spot. Thank you for doing what you do. I'll be looking out for some more of your writings.To share with my friends and family. read more >
Topic, 15-Feb-05 9:34 pm
This article got to me. I am a haitien young lady and I have been asked many times the same question. Most people don't beleive me when I say that I... read more >
Topic, 16-Feb-05 7:45 am
Woodring, Thank you for letting this man share his article with us. It is wonderful adn I'll use it on my page on Haitianconnection to remind others... read more >
Topic, 16-Feb-05 10:40 am
As a young HAITIAN Woman, I want salute you for this article. GOOD JOD!!! read more >
Topic, 16-Feb-05 1:16 pm
Thank God for you!!You are someone with true Haitian Pride!!All you say is true. If you were to talk to a young Haitian today, and (if they even... read more >
Topic, 22-Feb-05 5:37 pm
First of all I'd like to thank God for inspiring tou with this read more >
Topic, 22-Feb-05 5:58 pm
mwen ta swete ke pwezi sa rive nan tet ak zzorey tout ayisien ak tout zot nasyon, mesi anpil epi fe intene ayisien-a mache...sipote sa fouye.com ak... read more >
Topic, 23-Feb-05 9:59 am
Hello, My name is Nadia Sanon. I'm a 20 year old Floridian mother that just wanted to share the joy that I got from this poem. As a young child I... read more >
Topic, 24-Feb-05 9:42 pm
thank you!!!!!!!! that is so real cause let me tell you my parents are from haiti. the reason why I didn't like it is cause what i would see on tv... read more >
Topic, 28-Feb-05 9:57 am
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Alex, 23-Feb-11 7:16 am
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