Haiti - Health : Which Vitamin Supplements do you Take and Why?
Vitamin Supplements: Omega-3 Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Calcium with Vitamin D
My dear friend, I don't know about you but we are not getting any younger. The older you get the more health conscious you become...
I've reached a point in my life where I pay more attention to what I eat now.. OR dont eat...
You know what's funny? Many of us in the diaspora left the Country side of Haiti to live a better life, after a while you realize that FOOD from the countyside of Haiti was actually good for you...
Let me tell you a true story...
Over the past few years, I have been so afraid about the bones in my body that I was afraid to go to a doctor for fear that he might diagnose me with some weird disease... My bones ache and they hurt...
"Nenpòt ti exersis mwen fè, doulè nan tout kòm... Mwen monte yon mach eskalye genou fèm mal, Mande Bondye mwen ta leve yon bagay ki lou menm, tout zo nan kò mwen fè-m mal pou de twa jou..."
Someone suggested that take a Calcium supplement... So I started taking Calcium with Vitamin D and lately, I have been jumping up and down doing aerobics, I have resume working out and I don't feel any pain...
Thank GOD!
Did you know? After age 30, we start to gradually lose bone.... So it's very important to stave off bone loss with adequate calcium intake. (WebMD)
My father who is 80 Years old and still kicking strongly suggested that I take Omega-3 Fish Oil supplement. I want to live to be the man's age so I try to listen to him... But of course I am always skeptil about "ALL these pills!"
I did some research on it and realized that omega-3 fish oil may help to lower blood pressure... GOOD... because, in one of my recent visit to the doctor, he told me my blood pressure is way to high...
My friend Raynald visited my house one day and told me I ate too much salt... Ou konnen... Aransò bay mange bon kou pitit epi sòs la bon ak bannann... Not anymore"
My friend Roland, who I complain to all the time about having a cold "Chak vire tounen," suggested that I take a Vitamin C supplement... I 've been doing that for a while now and so far... NO Cold yet... "Ti gòj grate men grip pa janm vini" LOL...
I don't know about you but I've been feeling a lot better since I decided to add these vitamin supplements to my daily routine...
I read on WebMD that a man my age should be consuming about 1,000 milligrams of calcium everyday... Looking at their top 10 real food sources of Calcium, I hate to say that most of them are not on list of food I consume every day... So I intend to take my Calcium supplement from now on...
QUESTION: Vitamin Supplements do you Take and Why?
I would also love to know who suggested it to you...
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All Comments (2)
I take Plexus supplements for gut health.
If you work on your gut, you improve your immunity, your mood, your ability to lose
It's recommended to take supplements but ask your pharmacist or physician first because over-the-counter vitamins dosage could be much higher than needed.
Be safe while looking forward to a healthier
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