Richard why are you so upset with me? You want the sister to...

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Reply to Msg 5208

Richard why are you so upset with me?

You want the sister to struggle while working three jobs, and going to school.

She then working very long hours to make it, and have a pile of student loans to pay for years.

You want her to send for someone who is penniless, and give him a bright future.

She is giving once in a lifetime opportunity, and others lost their lives trying to get here. You want her to get no return on her investments, and come out with no money when the brother becomes successful in the future.

Did you read my message?

Are you frustrated because you are on child support?

Why are you taking your frustration on me?

My message was a positive one, and my intentions were to help some poor Haitians men in Haiti who have no hope. What is Ted Bundy has to do with it?

I have news for you, and my cousin has been married to the same lady for 40 years.

She came to Haiti, and brought him back to the US. She helped him, and they are now grandparents.

It is a gamble, and it may or may not last for a lifetime.

I want women to protect themselves, and he owes her for life. Please do not take your anger out on me, because I did not tell you not to wrap your lollipop and now you have to pay the consequences.

You are upset about the prenupt, and the sister getting half of his money.

It costs $50,000.00 to get here, and if he had borrow money from a loan shark he would have to work for years to repay the money.

I want the sisters to help the hopeless brothers in Haiti, and to protect themselves at the same time. What you wish for your step mother will happen to your mother, and your bad wishes for me will bounce right back to you. It does not have to be you particularly, but could be any females who are dear to you and it might be your daughter.

I won't end up with Ted Bundy, because I am not in the market and my three sons are happily married for years.

Josy, July 6 2010, 12:14 AM

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After 6 months the government should have had a plan and have started to evacuate the people. It should not be the burden of the landowners to... read more >
Bernadette S., 5-Jul-10 11:24 am
Peace in Christ! Shelters, shelters need to be build to assist the less fortunate. It is harsh to just evict and abandon them without any resources... read more >
Mimi Singh, 5-Jul-10 11:51 am
We have seven women for each male in the US, and a lot of sisters want to get married but cannot have a husband. I suggest that each female who is... read more >
Josy, 5-Jul-10 8:41 pm
I hope you end up with a Ted Bundy. Women like you are a disgrace to the proud, hard working women of our world. The love of money is the source of... read more >
Richard, 5-Jul-10 11:35 pm
Richard why are you so upset with me? You want the sister to struggle while working three jobs, and going to school. She then working very long... read more >
Josy, 6-Jul-10 12:14 am
Wow! What an analogy for wrongfully making marriage some sort of wellfare check for 21 years. If you call that a positive message mam, believe me... read more >
Richard, 6-Jul-10 7:28 am
Your issues are deeper, and obviously you do not like women very much. It started with your mother, and now you see all of us as threats to you. I... read more >
Josy, 6-Jul-10 5:10 pm
First of all grandma, i am not your brother and i think God for that. Second of all, if you feel so strongly about rescuing Haitian men so you can... read more >
Richard, 6-Jul-10 9:50 pm
Listen "pants on the ground" it is a blessing to be a grandparent, and you might never be one fool. You are obviously an ignorant punk, and need to... read more >
Josy, 7-Jul-10 7:48 pm
Adios Amiga. You are wayyyyy to educated for me. What can i say. Sorry you are not getting any child support as you are promoting to all the haitian... read more >
Richard, 8-Jul-10 1:44 pm
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