Although that we have been through a lot of pain. I feel that...

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Reply to Msg 4534

Although that we have been through a lot of pain. I feel that this era is truly Haiti's time to shine.

I pray that I get to live to see how things unfold ahead.

This is simply amazing! It is very emotional for me.
Thank God and Jesus-Christ.

Miggy, April 1 2010, 10:04 PM

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In the words of Joe Bidden, This is a BIG F---ING DEAL read more >
Serge, 1-Apr-10 4:26 pm
Although that we have been through a lot of pain. I feel that this era is truly Haiti's time to shine. I pray that I get to live to see how things... read more >
Miggy, 1-Apr-10 10:04 pm
WOOOW THIS IS IT! read more >
Micheline, 2-Apr-10 9:32 am
God = Jesus Christ read more >
Jules C Sar, 2-Apr-10 10:35 am
I agree with you a 100% my dear. It was a manner of my speaking. I have a great day! read more >
Miggy, 2-Apr-10 10:39 am


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