Haiti is gangsterized and the gangsters are not only the thugs in the ghettos of Haiti, journalist Esaue Cesar said.
Esaue Cesar is a well-known Haitian journalist and former member of the National Police Force
"The gangsters are not only in the ghettos of Haiti. It is not only the people who have guns in their hands who are in the games. Gangs," He said.
"We must de-gangsterize the media."
"We must de-gangsterize the private sector"
"We must de-gangsterize customs."
"We must de-gangsterize politics, the political sector, the voodoo sector, the religious sector today that has fallen victim."
"I have always told the truth. I am not afraid of what I have said which is the truth. And I stand behind it."
"I was there when bandits in Martissant in gathering (ransoming and kidnapping) people referring to a mass kidnappings that took place Tuesday October 12 2021.
It appears the journalist was responding to another video released by the gang leader to make him look like a he was lying and that such a thing did not happen.
Haiti has become a comedy show.
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All Comments (2)
They need to send in the UN to bring stability back to Haiti.
The gangsters need to be brought to
Jounalis Esaue Cesar, Matin Debat, di fok Haiti degangsterize.
Men gangster yo se pa ti nèg ak zam ki man geto yo, gangster yo toupatou, nan la presse, legliz, sektè vodou, sektè prive, tout
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