I think you are right on point. Unfortunately, we do need...

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Reply to Msg 4400

I think you are right on point.

Unfortunately, we do need foreign military and civilian assistance to move Haiti forward because the Haitian government has proven that they are not capable to meet the task at hand. I agree with you, this is an outrage.

Rudy Etienne, March 17 2010, 4:33 PM

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Topic: Haitian Women Are Being Raped, So What, It's NOT A Priority!

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It is very sad for that Minister to state that raping women is not a priority to tackle. Raping someone is one of omnious crime in the world. read more >
Mauclair Simon, 17-Mar-10 11:02 am
Amazing, these young life are in danger by these sexual predatorst, certainly is a priority to protect these girls, she would not like any of her... read more >
Guy Cherubin, 17-Mar-10 11:06 am
Je condanne fortement la declaration de l'ancienne secretaire, comme etant la reprensentante du droit des femmes en Haiti et comme etant une femme... read more >
Ferdinand Francois, 17-Mar-10 11:28 am
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! I wounder if Ms. M. Lassegue-pre-teen's daughter or son were being raped, would she have had the same attitude? Now for you... read more >
Berbadette S, 17-Mar-10 1:25 pm
Je pnse que Marie Laurence est Out of her mind. cela prouve aussi qu'elle n'a jamais ete a la hauteur de sa tache. read more >
Max Eddy Louis, 17-Mar-10 2:21 pm
Who's she? or he? We'll,........ you never know, whit a brain like that! Not saying that men are like that just saying maybe she does not have a... read more >
Maggy Gousse, 17-Mar-10 2:44 pm
Wow! I feel for the women in Haiti who are counting on this minister to fight for their causes. What a shameful statement? Than again she is part of... read more >
Rudy Etienne, 17-Mar-10 4:04 pm
I think you are right on point. Unfortunately, we do need foreign military and civilian assistance to move Haiti forward because the Haitian... read more >
Rudy Etienne, 17-Mar-10 4:33 pm
nous a l'etranger nous devons etre debout pour aider ce jeunes qui souffrent de cette act un-humain contre ces malfaicteurs en demandant de l;aide... read more >
Mounelakay, 17-Mar-10 4:33 pm
i can't beleave that she could say something like that, for me the haitian gorvernment lost control of everything, they don't have nothing as a... read more >
Mackson, 17-Mar-10 5:35 pm
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