Who's she? or he? We'll you never know, whit a brain like...
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Reply to Msg 4227
Who's she?
or he?
you never know, whit a brain like that! Not saying that men are like that just saying maybe she does not have a gender, you know! Fucked up!
Maggy Gousse, March 17 2010, 2:44 PM
Topic: Haitian Women Are Being Raped, So What, It's NOT A Priority!
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It is very sad for that Minister to state that raping women is not a priority to tackle. Raping someone is one of omnious crime in the world. read more >
Mauclair Simon, 17-Mar-10 11:02 am
Amazing, these young life are in danger by these sexual predatorst, certainly is a priority to protect these girls, she would not like any of her... read more >
Guy Cherubin, 17-Mar-10 11:06 am
Je condanne fortement la declaration de l'ancienne secretaire, comme etant la reprensentante du droit des femmes en Haiti et comme etant une femme... read more >
Ferdinand Francois, 17-Mar-10 11:28 am
THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! I wounder if Ms. M. Lassegue-pre-teen's daughter or son were being raped, would she have had the same attitude? Now for you... read more >
Berbadette S, 17-Mar-10 1:25 pm
Je pnse que Marie Laurence est Out of her mind. cela prouve aussi qu'elle n'a jamais ete a la hauteur de sa tache. read more >
Max Eddy Louis, 17-Mar-10 2:21 pm
Who's she? or he? We'll,........ you never know, whit a brain like that! Not saying that men are like that just saying maybe she does not have a... read more >
Maggy Gousse, 17-Mar-10 2:44 pm
Wow! I feel for the women in Haiti who are counting on this minister to fight for their causes. What a shameful statement? Than again she is part of... read more >
Rudy Etienne, 17-Mar-10 4:04 pm
I think you are right on point. Unfortunately, we do need foreign military and civilian assistance to move Haiti forward because the Haitian... read more >
Rudy Etienne, 17-Mar-10 4:33 pm
nous a l'etranger nous devons etre debout pour aider ce jeunes qui souffrent de cette act un-humain contre ces malfaicteurs en demandant de l;aide... read more >
Mounelakay, 17-Mar-10 4:33 pm
i can't beleave that she could say something like that, for me the haitian gorvernment lost control of everything, they don't have nothing as a... read more >
Mackson, 17-Mar-10 5:35 pm
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