About the New Year Resolution

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Reply to Msg 1729

I amm here concerned to indicate the question about the new year resolution
which are for the philosopher to answer,
and to distinguish them from those which
are beyond the sphere of his special com-

I turn, therefore.

to the proof of the ma-
jor premise, and here we face two tasks:
first, to show that all men have the same
natural capacities; second, to show that
for every capacity or power which can be
habituated there is a natural basis for
distinguishing between good and bad habi-

if these two things can be shown,
the whole of the major premise will follow
necessarily--that good habits are the same
for all men. all of the facts of individual
difference with respect to every measurable human ability are quite compatible with the proposition to be proved.

I hope the new year will justified the new leader for the future of our country
with pride and dignity for a better working condition for the life of others.

But so far we can only say that whatever
has powers subject to habituation is per-
fected by the formation of habits.

education is an optimistic and humane
concept; and respect for humanity is inseparable from it. our conclusion at this point must be that as studies.

To Mr: Woodring Saint Preux, my express
thank to you and your work well done to
stay in torch with the haitain community
whatsoever form of information.

god blessing for ever.

Franck Gedin, January 4 2007, 6:14 PM

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It is very normal to feel the need to go back to your root and build yourself strong enough to face what your future reality will eventually look... read more >
Mackington Joseph, 30-Dec-06 6:46 pm
Carol Aka Tica, 30-Dec-06 7:47 pm
Oh my God!I can't believe i just read that.Its like Woodring has been reading my thoughts,i feel like lots of us live Haiti to come here for a... read more >
Fabie, 30-Dec-06 7:48 pm
i don't have a comments, but i will love to see your picture, please send your picture ok read more >
Angie, 30-Dec-06 8:20 pm
That's an amazing truth that you spoke about (especially about "Should I let paved roads, electricity, and running water in a foreign country blind... read more >
Lyli, 30-Dec-06 11:46 pm
Dear Woodring, My name is Jessica and I'm a 21 year Haitian American who yerns for answers about my heritage greatly. Both my parents were born in... read more >
Jessica, 3-Jan-07 1:55 pm
Woody,I must say one thing I like about you is that you have a vision. I noticed that since I met you in "Vin---" Cambridge, MA. We are both young... read more >
Franty Cleophat, 3-Jan-07 2:59 pm
In the relatively short time that I've become acquainted with you,Woodring,my admiration for the young man that you are has grown many folds. I sooo... read more >
Yanick, 3-Jan-07 7:54 pm
I amm here concerned to indicate the question about the new year resolution which are for the philosopher to answer, and to distinguish them from... read more >
Franck Gedin, 4-Jan-07 6:14 pm
Jessica let me tell you something. Fear is a barrier to your dreams. If you are afraid to to take action, then actions will never be taken nor... read more >
Franty Cleophat, 5-Jan-07 12:53 am
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