Bon sa konn toujou parèt ke yon moun ap fè pub pou...

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Reply to Msg 11224

bon sa konn toujou parèt ke yon moun ap fè pub pou yon bagay sanl pa menm utilizel, jus li fè kob la men ou ale tro lwen vre granmoun nan! se vre fok pub la mache pou zo ka fèt men tro lwen!

Regis Jude, November 9 2013, 5:41 AM

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Topic: Tonton Bicha Replies to Le Nouvelliste about Flagrant Bakara Commercial

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I Like this! The words of an Artist. Why didn't anyone tell me TonTon Bicha's name is Daniel Fils-Aime? I learned so much through this response... read more >
Maggy Gousse, 8-Nov-13 11:42 am
honetman, bicha ou malhonet. oui ou gen talent ou original nan sa wap fe a sevre, men toujou konen COULEUR LOCAL AK PRODUIT LOCAL SE IMAJ NOU. leur... read more >
Luckson, 8-Nov-13 12:16 pm
Tonton Bicha said : Money first, country maybe when my pockets are full of money read more >
Guilbert Printemps, 8-Nov-13 6:53 pm
bon sa konn toujou paret ke yon moun ap fe pub pou yon bagay sanl pa menm utilizel, jus li fe kob la men ou ale tro lwen vre granmoun nan! se vre... read more >
Regis Jude, 9-Nov-13 5:41 am


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