
Latest news & top stories about Money, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Money


Bank Overdraft Fees: America's Banks Made Billions of Dollars Last Year

Bank overdraft fees, don't you just hate them? How much of your money did you loose last year due to overdraft fees from your bank? Did you know? America's three biggest banks made more than $6 billion last year from ATM fees and overdraft fees alone. more »

MONEY in Haiti: What is the Currency Symbol for the Haitian Gourde?

1 Gourde - Haitian Paper Money The universal dollar sign is "$", the Pound sign is "£", and the Euro sign "€". What is the Currency Symbol for the Haitian Gourde? more »

Haiti Income Tax: Everyone MUST pay a minimum of 10,000 gourdes

Taxes in Haiti - Tax Time for Haiti The Haitian Diaspora is worried about a 10,000 gourdes income tax imposed on them by the Haitian government. It is not only the diaspora, everyone MUST pay a minimum of 10,000 gourdes income tax every year... more »

Haiti Money Transfers from CHILE increases 386 percent

There has been a sharp increase in money transfers to Haiti from Chile. Haitians in Chile transferred $36 million to Haiti in 2016. Compare that to only $7.4 million the year before. more »

Spending in Haiti - Why are PRICES set in US Dollars when the Haitian Currency is GOURDES

This morning, overheard a man complaining in the radio that the price everything except rice and chicken in Haiti is set in US Dollars... If you want to buy a nice perfume, decent clothing, a night in a hotel room, you have to pay in US dollars. "Why is that," the man asks, "when the currency if Haiti is the Gourde?" more »

MONEY Advice : Can you save MONEY by simply leaving it on a Savings Bank Account?

Yes, I agree, putting money away in a savings account is a good way to prevent you from spending it impulsively but if you want to put money away hoping to get some good interest on it, to make your money grow, is a savings account the way to go? more »

Haitian Diaspora - How money changes old relationships

Sometimes you may notice a relationship change between two old Haitian couples and you would be surprised to realize that the main reason this is happening is because she's working, she's making money and he is not very happy about that. more »

KONBIT to rebuild Haiti, You're Invited!

Konbit : Haitian Farmers working together planting crops in Plateau Central Haiti When Haitians get together to accomplish a single task, it is called a KONBIT... You want to know something funny about the KONBIT? Read this... more »

Haiti Money - 70 Haitian Gourdes for 1 U.S. Dollar

1 Gourde - Haitian Paper Money Once upon a time in Haiti, one US Dollar was worth no more than 5 Haitian gourdes; that's why the 5 gourdes bill was called 'one dollar'. Nowadays, in commercial banks in Haiti, the US dollar is around 70 gourdes whether you are buying or selling it... more »

Haitian MONEY Talk - Increase the value of the GOURDE, Its immediate impact on the Haitian economy

1 Gourde - Haitian Paper Money A group of Haitian professors and businessmen sat on a round table recently discussing the most immediate way to positively impact the Haitian economy today. One of them said: "If the value of the Haitian currency (gourde) were to increase slightly compared to the US dollar, this would be an immediate relief to parents across the country." more »