island of Hispaniola

Latest news & top stories about island of Hispaniola, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about island of Hispaniola


L'Ile d'Haiti / Island of Haiti - Who renamed it Hispaniola? Shocking Discovery...

The Island Of Haiti - Renamed Island of Hispaniola? Growing up in Haiti, you probably heard of l'Ile d'Haiti. The whole island was called "The Island of Haiti". So how exactly did the name change from "Island of Haiti" to "Hispaniola"? more »

Haitian History : The First Spanish Settlement in the New World was near Caracol Haiti

Columbus Flagship Santa Maria - Shipwreck found in Haiti Pop Quiz: What is the connection between Caracol Haiti, Christopher Columbus, La Santa Maria, Cacique Guacanagaric, Caonabo and La Navidad? Sit back... Relax... and let me tell you... more »

Comparing Haiti to The Dominican Republic Part 2 - Fate or Racism?

The Island Of Haiti - Renamed Island of Hispaniola? The New York Times published an article today comparing Haiti to the Dominican Republic. more »

History of Haiti - Who were the first haitians?

How well do you know Haitian history? more »