Diet and Exercise

Latest news & top stories about Diet and Exercise, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Diet and Exercise


Want to loose fat in your body? Then this is the best time to exercise

Most women want a flat stomach and a BIG bouda, so how you get it? You want to know the best time to exercise for fat loss? Read this... more »

Did you know: Avocado (zaboka) is a Superfood!

If You Eat an Avocado a Day For a Month, Here's What Will Happen to You (VIDEO) If you live in Haiti, chances are you eat Avocado (zaboka in Creole) whenever it is in season, if you are in the Haitian Diaspora, you probably eat it once in a while but did you know that zaboka is considered a superfood? more »

Anyone try the Ketogenic Diet while living in Haiti? What do you eat?

PHOTO: Haiti - 2 kabrit pou nou 8 I am looking at the ketogenic diet (keto) while living in Haiti and I wonder if anyone else has tried it and what type of local foods you consume everyday. more »

Did you know: There are more obese people in the world than hungry people

Chien Janbe - Street Food in Haiti - Mayi Moulin Kole Ak Pwa Here is a little fact that may surprise you... There are now more obese people on the planet than there are hungry people. more »

Make this one little change and you will lose weight faster without diet and exercise

PHOTO: Boc Banic Haiti - Yon bèl plat Diri Sòs Pwa ak Vyann bò Latibonit, 50 Goud There is a very simple and clinically proven way to lose weight while you continue to eat the same foods you love without changing your diet, without a new exercise plan, without taking any diet pills... Read this... more »

Your Health - You are consuming far more sugar than you think

PHOTO: Haiti RAPADOU - Unrefined Whole Cane Sugar Did you know? One tablespoon of ketchup has 1 teaspoon of sugar in it. One can of soda has up to 10 teaspoon of sugar it. Many of the per-packaged food you eat is loaded with sugar. more »

Cresson / Watercress contains more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than oranges, more...

Vegetables in Haiti - Cresson / Kreson (watercress in English) Many Haitians eat "kreson" (watercress) as a salad but did you know that watercress contains more calcium than milk, more vitamin C than oranges, more iron than spinach and more folate than bananas? more »

Have you ever tried water fasting?

Access to drinking water in Haiti I just found out about water fasting, drinking only water for 7 days or more. I am tempted to try it but I've never fasted a single day of my life. more »

Weight Loss Diet - Eggs for breakfast can help you lose weight naturally

What's for Breakfast : Boiled eggs and sliced mangoes Here is a simple diet and fitness tip for you... Adding protein to your diet, something as simple as eating boiled eggs (ze bouyi) for breakfast can help you lose weight naturally. Read this... more »

Your Health - Water is the Most Important Ingredient

Access to drinking water in Haiti Did you know? Water is the most important ingredient your body needs everyday. When you deprive your body of water, it reacts in the same manner as when you deprive yourself of food... Read this... more »