Crime in Haiti

Latest news & top stories about Crime in Haiti, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Crime in Haiti


When did kidnapping for ransom start to become an issue in Haiti and how did it coincide with the introduction of MINUSTAH in the country?

Haitians are screaming down with kidnapping but no one is coming to the rescue, not the government not the so call friends of Haiti Nowadays, with problems of kidnapping and insecurity being such a hot topic in Haiti, one wonders when did kidnapping for ransom actually start becoming an issue in our country. The answers on this page may surprise you. more »

Haitian journalists, please stop screaming Insecurity in Haiti just because a crime has been committed

Did you know? In the United States, an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes occurred nationwide in 2015. How many violent crimes occurred in Haiti that same year? more »

Insecurity vs Criminality - Haitians have it all Confused and it is making the country look bad

Jean Jean Roosevelt Surrounded by Police in Mirebalais Haiti Every time a petty crime is committed in Haiti, the Haitian media shouts: "insecurity is going up in Haiti". Why is it that this word "insecurity" is never used for crimes committed in the United States. more »

Haitians in the diaspora are paranoid over everything what is happening in Haiti

Have you noticed that Haitians in the diaspora are paranoid over everything that is happening in Haiti while they seem to pay no attention to all the crimes being reported in the Disapora city they live in? more »

FLASH: Haitian Judge shot and killed at Tabarre 42 Tuesday

Breaking News... A Haitian judge, Antoine Lycius, was just shot and killed at tabarre 42 midday Thusday January 07, 2010. more »

Police inspector shot and killed in Petion-Ville Haiti Sunday

PHOTO: Haiti Police - PNH en Deuil Haitian police inspector Alix René was shot and killed at a service station in Juvénat, Petion-Ville Haiti Sunday. more »

Kingston Jamaica is so much more dangerous than Port-au-Prince Haiti despite what you hear

Haiti Tet Anba If you listen to the Haitian media sometimes you will think that Port-au-Prince Haiti is the most dangerous place in the caribbean but, did you know, Kingston Jamaica is the most dangerous city in the Caribbean. How often do you read about that in Jamaican news media? more »

Former Haiti candidate for Depute and Senator pleads guilty to cocaine trafficking in the United States

Vincent Casseus, a former candidate for depute and candidate for Senator under the banner of the LAPEH party in Grand'Anse Haiti, extradited to the United States, pleaded guilty to cocaine trafficking, according to the South Florida District Attorney's Office. more »

Haitian-American man admits trying to export illegal guns and ammunition to Haiti

A Haitian man in Chicago has pleaded guilty trying to illegally export more than 20 guns and ammunition to Haiti, U.S federal prosecutors say. more »

Haitian driver shot and killed in Champs-de-Mars Haiti after his car overheated

A Haitian driver was murdered Tuesday after his vehicle was overheated in the Champ-de-Mars area of downtown Port-au-Prince Haiti. more »