
Do you ever buy things you don't really need? Thank God for eBay Auctions!

How many times do you see something you think you might need or you might have a use for except, you buy it, it just sits there depreciating in value and you never use it? more »

What constitutes a GOOD Haitian wife these days?

PHOTO: A Haiti mother and child deported at midnight from the Dominican Republic Let me ask you a question: What constitutes a GOOD Haitian wife these days? Depending on which type of Haitian man you ask this question, you will get a different answer. more »

Haitian man get 4 women pregnant in the same house at the same time including a 13 year old girl

Teen Pregnancy in Haiti This is the craziest news coming from Haiti... A Haitian man gets his woman pregnant, he also impregnates the woman's sister and her two daughters in the same house at the same time. One of the daughters is a 13 year old girl. more »

To sleep with or without a pillow, which is best? Which do doctors recommend?

Sleeping : Getting a good night sleep is more important than you think You ever go to sleep and when you wake up in the morning your neck or back is hurting? You ever wake up with a headache in the morning? It could be your pillow. Read this and find out what's best, should you sleep with your without a pillow? more »

Haitian dishwashers win $2.5 million lawsuit against South Beach hotel for discrimination

USA Money dollar bill Imagine that, being called a slave at work by your boss in the 21st century in America, forbidden to speak Creole while Hispanic workers are speaking Spanish right in front of you. Doing the all the dirty jobs that others others are exempt from. more »

Young Haitian in the Diaspora wants to go back to Haiti to build a future while still young

A family member of a young Haitian living in the Diaspora told us "Robert is coming home." The reason will surprise you... Read this... more »

New Haiti program to register Haitian immigrants living in Foreign Countries

Haiti Identification Card - Carte d'Identite Haiti is launching a new program to register Haitian immigrants who live without documentation in the Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos Island, and "other countries where Haitian immigrants live..." more »

If a Haitian gives birth to a baby in a foreign hospital, is the newborn baby Haitian?

PHOTO: Child and Baby Deported at Midnight from the Dominican Republic to Haiti What happens when a Haitian mother decides to give birth to her child on a foreign hospital? Is the baby Haitian legally? more »

If you are POOR an living in Little Haiti Miami, it's time to move out, you have no choice!

Look at the toilet condition of a poor Haitian tenant in a Little Haiti Miami apartnent The last few remaining cheap apartments for rent in Little Haiti Miami are being demolished. Some tenants were given a 30-days notice to move out. But where will they go? There are no more cheap apartments in Little Haiti! more »

Harvard University just named Haitian-American Claudine Gay Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS)

Claudine Gay, Haitian-American FAS dean at Harvard University Great news from the Haitian Diaspora... Harvard University has just named a Haitian-American, Claudine Gay, Dean of their Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS). more »