At 76 years old, Haitian man Jeudy Jean Horel went back to high school

At 76 years old, Haitian man Jeudy Jean Horel went back to high school

Take a look at this photo of Jeudy Jean Horel, the 76-year-old Haitian High School Student.

At 76 years old, Haitian man Jeudy Jean Horel went back to high school to finish his education.

In June 2018, Jeudy Jean Horel took his official state exams, he passed and moved on to 9ème année fondamentale!

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If you think it is too late to go back to school, think again! 76-year-old Haitian man Jeudy Jean Horel went back to school to finish high school in Haiti. He just took his State exams in 9ème année fondamentale. That's 4eme secondaire for in the old school system.

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