I consider vodoo like any order religion. A hongan ( vodoo...

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Reply to Msg 8890

I consider vodoo like any order religion.

A hongan ( vodoo priest ) like any minister of religion priest or pastor.

After all any profession is about making money no. This not true, and I can stand behind that 100%.

Vodoo is not only bad thing, there are many benefits for people practicing the vodoo as black religion.

Only a brainwashed black can think the contrary.

The other religions are all imported mostly imported from Arab or Europeans countries.

Any person or groups who think banish the black religion ( vodoo ) will sooner or later regret it bitterly.

Agueeee !!!

Jean Cochon, July 12 2012, 11:06 AM

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I consider vodoo like any order religion.A hongan ( vodoo priest ) like any minister of religion priest or pastor. After all any profession is about... read more >
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