We can influence the cosmos, and nature disasters are our...

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Reply to Msg 8646

We can influence the cosmos, and nature disasters are our doings.

The collective minds, or consciouness is very powerful and can cause nature to revolt against men. I personally believe the earthquake in Haiti was caused by Haitians, and unfortunately some good people perished.

You cannot do whatever you want down here, and turn your back on GOD. It is all in the bible, and we can read it. The evils done by our brothers, and sisters caused the earth to split open. You can read Revelation, and Matthew 24.

JESUS CHRIST will come back when we have enough human beings who want to receive for the sake of sharing, and it means love your neighbors like yourselves.

The basis for all religions are all the same, and we are our brothers' keepers.

You cannot serve two masters, and GOD is extremely jealous.

Haiti is my country, and I am proud to be Haitian.

I spent the first 15 years of my life there, and I can write a book. I have not been back in 27 years, and frankly I am scared to go there.

Haitians are evil, and have committed some horrific crimes.

It is not confined in the country, and the diaspora took it all over the world.

Haitians can turn others into cows, and other animals.

I can go on, and on about the stories in our beloved country.

The four horses of the apocalypse are out of the barn, and JESUS CHRIST is ready to come back. We believers need to spread the gospel, because it is harvest time and we might not get such opportunity ever again.

We need to repent, and convert our entourage.

It is like being in labor, and the pain increases after each short break.

I am not making it up, and just read your bible.

These are the days of ELIJAH, and the dry bones are about to turn into flesh.

I rebuke the opponents in the name of JESUS CHRIST, and I am cover in the blood of the lamb so do not waste your time with me.

Josy, March 21 2012, 11:29 PM

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We can influence the cosmos, and nature disasters are our doings. The collective minds, or consciouness is very powerful and can cause nature to... read more >
Josy, 21-Mar-12 11:29 pm
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Lena, 22-Mar-12 10:27 am
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Winy, 22-Mar-12 7:15 pm
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Mattrix, 8-Mar-15 10:47 pm


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