Dear Mr woodring may you please inform me where is the school...

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Reply to Msg 7480

Dear Mr woodring may you please inform me where is the school located in haiti.and all of their corespondent E-mail address, phone #, fax #, and person in contact.

I will gratefully apreciate your effort in helping me thank you. my regards to you.

Martine Civil, June 6 2011, 1:15 PM

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Someone needs to contact John Deere and Catipillar who are having bonus years for donations of tractors and people to train them....I am sure it... read more >
Vintage, 3-May-11 6:03 pm
Sir Would you foward this lead to the staff of the new President;foward that info to Mayard Paul,RORO NELSON,OLSON,SUPLICE,SIGNAL FM CARIBE FM,RADIO... read more >
Ben, 3-May-11 6:35 pm
the usa is about to enter a time of famine it self so how will it help haiti,,why do we always have to depend on usa for everything,,they will... read more >
F.barthelemy, 3-May-11 8:44 pm
Email received and the content is well noted. Haiti has its own resource, so there is no reson the Country should be having welfare problem... read more >
Rev. Calixte Guerrier Pastor, 3-May-11 10:02 pm
Thanks Ben for your comment and support! Vintage! read more >
Vintage, 4-May-11 8:12 am
I am very grateful to the Us goverment,and congratulate a seconde time President Martelly for accepting help and advices from the USA. As far as if... read more >
Marlene Burcky, 6-May-11 11:15 pm
Dear Mr woodring may you please inform me where is the school located in haiti.and all of their corespondent E-mail address, phone #, fax #, and... read more >
Martine Civil, 6-Jun-11 1:15 pm
Firstly it would be nice if the cell phone company could be nationalized or simplified by open source and not worry about building massive... read more >
Jean-luc Giraud, 1-Aug-11 12:00 am
When you receive this contact information please pass it on to me at: DoTaylor at I am very interested in this project but don't see... read more >
Doug Taylor, 14-Sep-11 9:54 am


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