I'm not even Haitian but I was a frequent visitor and...

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Reply to Msg 1291

I'm not even Haitian but I was a frequent visitor and participater in the LOVE SECTION of the Forum at Haitianconnection.

I learned a LOT from those who welcomed me with open arms. I had lots of spirited discussions.

Unfortunately those who were about bullsh*t or about talkin' about the same old nonsense over and over again began 2 take over. The place got boring, the creators of the site began neglecting it and pretty soon people stopped caring and the site died off and was never brought back. I had some GREAT memories from that place and made contacts with some great folks that i manage 2 keep in touch with over on FACEBOOK.

In closing ...

R.I.P Haitianconnection

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Understanding, August 21 2010, 12:42 AM

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Brother i agree with you..and second you..too much drama over there. read more >
Topic, 7-Apr-04 10:32 am
Namaste Blacknight, I was doing an online search, and I know it is not a coincidence that I fumbled on this site and especially on this post. I must... read more >
Topic, 7-Apr-04 10:39 am
Black Knight, Ah! So it was your aura I felt :-) While I can certainly understand why one could feel a need to leave HC, I must say that The Mind... read more >
Topic, 7-Apr-04 11:41 am
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Cord, 20-Aug-10 1:22 pm
I'm not even Haitian but I was a frequent visitor and participater in the LOVE SECTION of the Forum at Haitianconnection. I learned a LOT from those... read more >
Understanding, 21-Aug-10 12:42 am
I didn't know that hc was not fuctioning anymore,what's going on,what about the people that web pages there? read more >
Tosierolle Brown Sugar, 22-Sep-10 7:36 pm
i been asking the same thing and no one seems to know read more >
Neek, 29-Sep-10 7:45 am
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