Namaste Blacknight, I was doing an online search, and I know...
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Reply to Msg 1291
Namaste Blacknight,
I was doing an online search, and I know it is not a coincidence that I fumbled on this site and especially on this post. I must confess that I have been both a witness and an active participant of (HC) from the very beginning when it used to be called Growing up at, I learned a lot about Haiti, Haitians, and human nature in general.
What didn't kill me, made me stronger.
In the summer of 2003, after taking a year off from HC, I returned and found that nothing changed.
It is as if time never moved.
Day in and day out the same group of people come and talk about the same things and react to them as if they are happening for the first time. There was something very disturbing about that scene.
I was quick to judge and declare that HC is doomed.
Yet, a part of me understood how easy it is to get caught up in that subtle yet vicious cycle.
At that time, I had dreams of building a cyber sanctuary where true love radiates from every angle.
A place where brothers and sisters can come and truly talk, laugh, or even cry knowing that we truly accept one another as we are. I imagined a place where we can talk about our dreams and our fears.
I dreamt of a place where we start transforming Haiti by transforming ourselves.
Then this soft thought came to me and said "build it at haitianconnection".
My ego screamed and shouted all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't do it, yet I couldn't silence my intuitive voice.
I came to the realization that a light is only useful in the darkness.
What use is there for a candle in the sun?
I wrote to the administrator of HC and "The Mind, Body, and Soul" (MBS) forum was born.
The MBS forum is not the most popular forum at HC, yet its light shines bright and each post contains substance.
There have been time when I was gone for weeks and came back to see so many new posts.
Those positive interactions between young Haitian brothers and sisters illustrate that was indeed ready for a positive forum.
Those who've visited the place can smell the fragrance, hear the melody, taste the culture, feel the serenity, and see the love, yet it is their own selves radiating back at them.
At a time when everyone was complaining that haitianconnection is such a negative place, "The Mind, Body, and Soul forum" reveals that there is indeed hope for HC. I believe that a candle loses nothing by lighting another candle; therefore, I urge all of us to be the light and lead by example.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
It works every time.
God Bless HC!
Namaste - The Divinity in me salutes the Divinity in you.
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