I am here in Petionville as i am writing this to you and that...

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Reply to Msg 3695

I am here in Petionville as i am writing this to you and that information is incorrect.

We are still running on generator and inverter power here. The traffic lights run on Solar panels so it is hard to tell for the rest of the city. I will check it out later and give you all an update.

Richard Lumarque, February 3 2010, 11:05 AM

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Topic: Electricity Has Been Restored in Petion Ville Haiti

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I am happy, but what about the rest of the country. read more >
Rachelle, 2-Feb-10 7:10 pm
This is good news. The people of Petion-Ville and my family will be able to watch television to see what is going on with the rest of... read more >
Nancy, 2-Feb-10 8:10 pm
That is great news as i'm leaving New Zealand next Tuesday for journey back home to Petion-Ville, my hometown to visit and be with my dear Mother... read more >
Maya Dorcil, 2-Feb-10 8:27 pm
that is good news, now is it 24/7days a week. or is it just for a couple of hours and it is back to black out.. i will like to know more about that read more >
Rza, 2-Feb-10 9:37 pm
What are you doing in New Zealand my friend? It is so cold there, and I would like to chat with you. Is there a Haitian community in New Zealand... read more >
Josy, 2-Feb-10 11:32 pm
That is awesome news to hear! I have a lot of family and friends thar reside in Petion Ville. It is exciting to know what progress that Haiti is... read more >
Lala T, 2-Feb-10 11:43 pm
c une fierte pour moi d entendre cette belle nouvelle et je te souhaite que les autres commune obtienent de l electricite aussi que Dieu protege ma... read more >
Beethoventznevil, 3-Feb-10 6:16 am
I glad for those who leave at Petion ville,that a good job,but I think yall should look out for the poor area first.kote tout vole yo chita ap viole... read more >
Andy, 3-Feb-10 8:51 am
I am here in Petionville as i am writing this to you and that information is incorrect. We are still running on generator and inverter power here... read more >
Richard Lumarque, 3-Feb-10 11:05 am
Enfin mon Dieu je ne sais quoi dire tout simplement: CONTINYER PRIE PRIE SAN CES" read more >
Marie Elie, 3-Feb-10 8:54 pm
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