I know a woman living in Port Margot, North. Her name is...

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Reply to Msg 22173

I know a woman living in Port Margot, North.

Her name is Promena.

She is 102 in 2020.

Agilles, February 28 2020, 7:25 PM

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Hello, I want you contact us in abelizaire2012@gmail.com or +50946265058 read more >
Assedius Belizaire, 18-Dec-19 1:41 pm
Silcia Jerome 103 ans, 3em section commune Chantal/sud read more >
Info, 5-Jan-20 11:53 am
I know a woman living in Port Margot, North. Her name is Promena. She is 102 in 2020. read more >
Agilles, 28-Feb-20 7:25 pm


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