There's a problem with Haiti, there is no job for the young...

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Reply to Msg 17989

there's a problem with Haiti, there is no job for the young people, crime is rampant, corruption is a big problem, politician don't care, pastors don't care.
what do you want the young people to do?

they have no other choice but to go somewhere else to seek a better opportunity, so that they can help their family, if Haitian all over the world, who have Financial stability, came back to home (Haiti) open up businesses create jobs then the Youth of Haiti will not leave, we need to work on that. stop getting help from other country that will help.

Allen, August 11 2017, 11:16 AM

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there's a problem with Haiti, there is no job for the young people, crime is rampant, corruption is a big problem, politician don't care, pastors... read more >
Allen, 11-Aug-17 11:16 am
Yes - few jobs exist in Haiti, but when a country imports 80% of it's food, there's a problem. When Haiti and those who love her, start investing in... read more >
Singing Rooster, 28-Jan-18 11:02 am


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