No one is criticizing anyone here, he is right, how do you...

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Reply to Msg 15063

No one is criticizing anyone here, he is right, how do you walk up to someone you dont even know and ask for money, its' very unconfortable it puts the person and a very unconfortable situation.

If you dont have gas for your car or motorcycle stay home, walk, or ask a family member or a friend, sell something, but please stop begging, leave it for the real poor those who cannot afford a bike. Instigating and making underline threats like that to another person for expressing their opinion about a situation, makes you just as guilty as them for posting it. Begging in haiti is real and it is happening at a fast rate and people should be aware and have the right to know the good ones and the bad ones. You can clearly see those in need and those who enjoy begging just because they can get away with it.

Natasha Ducasse, April 14 2015, 11:20 AM

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Topic: In Haiti, Begging has a new professional touch - Shocking the way people ask you for money

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I know a professional beggar personally. He goes to mass everyday at Saint Pierre, Petion-Ville, he is related and wears a well known Haitian family... read more >
Georges, 6-Apr-15 10:57 pm
My friend, I have to tell you the truth, when you find somebody in any conditions like that don't criticize this person a motorcycle mean nothing if... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 7-Apr-15 2:06 am
Begging in haiti has become a way of living in haiti,wether by phone, letters or in person. I am not shocked to hear your story at all. I myself... read more >
Natasha Ducasse, 14-Apr-15 11:09 am
No one is criticizing anyone here, he is right, how do you walk up to someone you dont even know and ask for money, its' very unconfortable it puts... read more >
Natasha Ducasse, 14-Apr-15 11:20 am


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