That's Will be a great ideal

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That's Will be a great ideal

Robert Jean Augustin, May 18 2014, 2:43 AM

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a Die mesie yo padon wi BonDie pou sam pral di an si bagay sa te fout te kwe blanc li minm li patap minm di Haiti sa yo jwenn. men Haitien pi mal yo... read more >
Joun, 16-May-14 11:26 pm about no. It was in our belongs to us. read more >
Marie, 18-May-14 2:06 am
That's Will be a great ideal read more >
Robert Jean Augustin, 18-May-14 2:43 am
Marie Wrote: " about no. It was in our belongs to us." Nothing belongs to Haiti, a failed state. lol read more >
Ricart, 18-May-14 1:37 pm
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