I guess it is true, "no good deed goes unpunished". Filing a...

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Reply to Msg 12035

I guess it is true, "no good deed goes unpunished".

Filing a lawsuit against people who came to help - without any sort of compensation from the Haitians - is outrageous.

Furthermore, suing the UN is a self-defeating strategy when Haiti is so utterly dependent on the UN.

The cholera epidemic is a tragedy, and it clearly came from the peacekeepers.

But instead of blaming the U.N. for not ensuring cholera free conditions, Haitians should be asking themselves why they still need volunteers from other countries to run parts of their country for them. If Haiti had a functioning government not only would the UN's involvement been redundant, Haiti would have a program in place to screen those who are coming from abroad for diseases.

It won't be surprising of the UN to take a pass the next time Haiti need help.

Since the U.S. funds the bulk of U.N. spending, it appears that American taxpayers will be on the hook for this payout.

This frivolous lawsuit is just another case of Haitians biting the hands that feeds them.

Ricart, March 15 2014, 5:08 PM

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I guess it is true, "no good deed goes unpunished". Filing a lawsuit against people who came to help - without any sort of compensation from the... read more >
Ricart, 15-Mar-14 5:08 pm
You should endeavor to educate yourself before pontificating on things of which you know very little. FYI, the U.N. did not come to "help" Haiti... read more >
Ronald, 15-Mar-14 8:04 pm


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