
Latest news & top stories about Money, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Money


Haiti Loans Vs Jobs - Which One Comes First?

Haiti Open For Business Question: Would you lend money to someone if you knew he will not be able to pay you back? more »

Haitian Woman Wins $105 Mega Million Jackpot, Her Money Problems Just Got Started!

Mega Millions Lottery Ticket Milford Mill, Maryland - A Haitian woman, Mirlande Wilson, claims she is the ONLY winner of a $105 million Mega Millions ticket BUT... Her McDonald's co-workers are furious... They want her to share the loot... more »

Fonkoze Bank Robbery in Thomonde Haiti, 3 Million Stolen

Individuals have broken into Fon Koze, the local microfinance institution, in Thomonde Haiti and stole 3 million gourdes. more »

Fouye! - The Idea Factory

Many people ask me why I try so hard to provide FREE services to my Haitian community... more »

Money is a Necessity but... Making Money is Just a Game!

There is a secret I want to share with you today. more »

The Haitian 'Zoreille Bourique' vs The American 'Green Back'

The US Dollar, Some Haitians Call it 'Caesar' Why does the American Dollar keep going up and up in in Haiti with no sign of slowing down? more »

How to Make Money Online Without a Website

USA Money dollar bill In most Haitian homes, The only money that comes in is in the form of a paycheck. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could add some extra income to that paycheck? more »

How to raise money for starting a business - part 2

If you recall last week you read part 1 this article. If you missed it, you can find it in the Haitian Newsletter Archives more »

Teach Your Haitian Kids About Money

When I was growing up in Hinche, Haiti, 10 cents (2 US pennies) was a lot of money. more »

Teach your kids the mysteries of money

Helping your child learn the right stuff ## respect for money and the links between work and money and saving ## could be one of the best things you can do for them. more »