Haitian Politics

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Answered : Why is the Dominican Republic moving forward and Haiti is not?

The Dominican Republic - This is what happens when this political stability in a country - Haiti take notice Do you want to know why the neighboring Dominican Republic is progressing really fast and Haiti is moving backwards? This simple answer is posted on the front page of one of the most successful free trade zone in the Dominican Republic. more »

Peyi Lock - Nowadays it is not prudent to share the good news about Haiti for fear of repression, Read this true story...

Students in Haiti coming from school I told a friend of mine that school was open in my neck of the woods in Haiti and he replied with the most shocking answer. "I don't think I will mention your city name on my radio program," he said, "Because I don't want the others to come and cause problems for you." more »

Peyi Lock - Even Toothpaste is in short supply on supermarket shelves in Haiti!

In Haiti there are so many Things that make you go Hmmm... The political opposition in Haiti has done such a wonderful job crippling the country's economy these days that even toothpaste is in short supply at the local supermarket. more »

Haitian politicians can learn a lot from the animal world but they refuse

Haitian dog and a cat playing together in Haiti Isn't that funny? Cats and dogs can get along but Haitian politicians refuse to sit down to figure out how to Haiti out of the s**t hole. more »

Journalist: Haitian Politicians put the country on LOCK so they can make money to send to wife and kids living in the USA

Haitian journalist says: One of the main reason that some people are protesting in the streets is because they need more money to send to the United States because they have to pay rent for their wives; they have to pay school for their children. more »

Jean Gabriel Fortune: The biggest problem Haiti is facing right now is impunity and corruption

Former Senator and mayor of Le Cayes Jean Gabriel Fortune says the biggest problem Haiti is facing right now is impunity and corruption. "We are in a state where anyone can do whatever he wants in this country and there are no sanctions, no punishment." more »

Former Haiti candidate for Depute and Senator pleads guilty to cocaine trafficking in the United States

Vincent Casseus, a former candidate for depute and candidate for Senator under the banner of the LAPEH party in Grand'Anse Haiti, extradited to the United States, pleaded guilty to cocaine trafficking, according to the South Florida District Attorney's Office. more »

TRUMP started to insult Haiti and the Haitian people since his Little Haiti campaign in 2016

Did you know? US President Donald Trump started calling Haiti a shithole right after meeting the Haitian community in Little Haiti back in 2016, according to a new book just released. more »

King Kino: I warned Martelly to stop the jokes on stage about investing stolen PetroCaribe money in Marriott and Best Western

Is Michel Martelly and the artist Sweet Micky the same person? Kino told said he warned ex President Michel Martelly to suspend the jokes about investing stolen PetroCaribe money in the hotels because he believed it would endanger these investments. Kino also tries to explain the Martelly and Sweet Micky are not the same person and should be taken one for the other. more »

VIDEO: Haiti Politics - Tonton BICHA ap pale de pwoblem Dechay nan peyi a

PHOTO: Tonton Bicha, Granmoun lan Watch this video of Haitian actor and comedian Daniel Fils-Aime alias Tonton Bicha talking about the political topic of "Decharge" in a funny kind of way but still, yo can learn from it. more »