Alternative Energy Haiti

Latest news & top stories about Alternative Energy Haiti, The Haitian Internet Newsletter. Read the following articles about Alternative Energy Haiti


Haiti Government announces NO TAX on Solar Panels and Alternative Energy Imports

Renewable Energy in Haiti - Green Energy The Haitian government announces NO TAX on solar panels and alternative energy imports. The government says it wants everyone Haitian citizen to have access to alternative energy. more »

Solar Energy is a Success in Barbados, Should Haiti Copy Success?

Solar Energy in Barbados My brother visited Barbados recently and told me almost every house in the island has solar panels on top of it... Bus stations, hospitals, government buildings have solar photovoltaic systems installed.The sun shines in Haiti everyday, yet, everyday we are in the dark. more »

Haiti Energy - More and more Tap-Taps are Switching to PROPANE from Gasoline

PHOTO: Haiti - Propane Powered Tap-tap Haiti Energy Update -- More and more tap-tap owners are converting their gasoline powered taxi over to PROPANE... One of the biggest expense of a Haitian tap-tap driver is the cost of gasoline. One driver who converted his tap-tap over to PROPANE admit saving 400 gourdes per day... more »