New Haitian Passports Will Be Valid For 10 Years

In order to get a visa valid for 10 years, you must have a visa valid for 10 years. Soon Haitian passports will be valid for 10 years.

This is one of the initiatives being undertaken by the Martelly administration.

Not only that, soon Haitians will not have to go to Port-au-Prince for immigration service. Immigration and passport services will be available in the capital (chef lieu) of each department in Haiti.

Now you know why US visas were only issued for 5 years...

How do you like that?

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All Comments (13)

Duner says...

Finaly some one think about haiti but what about the carricom

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Moreau Odva says...

bonsoir monsieur ou mdme je suis odva moreau...

je suis etudiant..

je tiens a vous remerciez surtout pour votre soutiens donnez a notre société...

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Grenadye16 says...

I really understand you guy. However let me add this that I give myself to be understood.

When talking about national production we so often make refferences only to agriculture thing that is so far to be true. anything that is made in the country is its production then contributes in a way or other to increase the economy.

I do not say it is not good the idea of giving it for teen even 47 years as it is for many american states what i adviced is that we could evaluate what we have and multiply it to take the

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Maxo Louis Jean says...

Look brother one the things that increase an economie is " production and goods and services that a particular country is able to export to earn foreign curencies.

taxes revenue such as: road tax, land tax, and so on can't boots the economi, when we talk about increase economy we have to think about " growth" Let me say it that again the growth of any curencey is heavily dependent upon its production and its exportation.

we then need to move into mass production.

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Grenadye16 says...

Of course it is a good idea however, we should understand that one of the best ways to increase the haitian economy is in taxes.

I hope I gave myself to be understood.

In the manner of understanding the fact I think it would be better to decentralise the system to make it more available to everyone that means i do not need to inter to the capitol to get my passport but at anywhere so am I I can get it than giving it for 10

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Jean R Constant says...

This is a good idea, I hope Mr president Michel M be able to do it also for there passports and every the Departement I'm 100% behind this

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Maxo Louis Jean says...


I think it is a very good idea not just the increase of the life of our passport but also the whole idea of spreading immigration services across the island.

honestly this is a very important sugession, and i feel they should do the same for our identifacation card. so far i am pleased with my tete kale bon

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Jean says...

If that is really a good things for the haitian people i can say good job for the haitian governmet.

I have to say if haiti is a member of caricom why the haitian need a visa to travel on they country Coricom.

Martelly have to look forward for the haitian people about Caricom passport for 10 years, it will be better for us to travel.

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Marie Marthe D says...


And he (The president) should be sure that the roads are in good conditions or built in those "Chef lieu" first.

We have only two principal roads "Route national" for the whole country, how can we figure out it will take a few minutes to reach those offices?

It is more important to my opinion to built roads first before introducing this good idea. Any developpement comes with that...

Les routes, les installations

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Charles says...

pa gen pale franse si prezidan an fe kelke choz de bon il faut ke nou di l nan tout integralite l. Bon travay Martelly

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