1er Mai en Haiti

Pets in Haiti - Dog in Haiti

Pets in Haiti - Dog in Haiti

Haitian dogs - Here's a photo of a little dog in Haiti sleeping next to an outdoor kitchen.

Animal care in Haiti is lacking. Most Haitian dogs if not all dogs in Haiti are street dogs, they are not kept indoors.

Haiti dogs are not treated with care like pets in America. For the most part, dogs in Haiti are walking hungry all over the place the streets fetching their own food. Haiti dogs sleep in the dirt.

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Haiti : Happy Unemployment Day, a group of students protest the May 1st Haitian Holiday

Haiti : Happy Unemployment Day, a group of students protest the May 1st Haitian Holiday

Look at this photo... It's May first in Haiti, a protest banner reads: "Happy holiday of unemployment and importation day" from the Coalition of Youth and committed academics of Haiti - COJEUEH.

Well, they have a point. Haiti imports almost everything. We even import chicken.

C'est le 1er mai en Haïti, une bannière de protestation se lit comme suit: "Bonne fête du chômage et de l'importation" de la Coalition de la jeunesse et des universitaires engagés d'Haïti - COJEUEH

Eh bien, vous devez être d'accord, Haïti importe presque tout. Nous importons même du poulet.

Photo from a Tweet by Loop Haiti @loopHaiti

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