Breaking News: Haiti Airport overloaded with young Haitians going to Chile

Breaking News: Haiti Airport overloaded with young Haitians going to Chile

Nouvel Gaye : Aeroport Haiti surchargé ak jeune Haitien ki pwale Chili

Gade photo saa... Aeroport toussaint louverture Haiti surchargé ak jeune Haitien ki ap kite peyi a pou ale pwale Chili.

Telman gen jeune nan aeroport la, otorite you oblije fè kek nan yo rete deyò. Se sa la presse Haitienne fè konnen...

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Goldstein says...

hi woodring,
getting sick and tired of this french tv
praising cuba every single day, and the stupid french flying there per hundreds,
not even aware that they're all driven to the same places authorized by the castros.Haiti, which I consider a french
speaking country, is seldom mentioned, and
when it is, it's not very encouraging.Turn Haiti into a tax heaven and f..the world.

I'm very angry, my

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