Good Adobe Photoshop work. I saw Wyclef at the airport a...

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Reply to Msg 9257

Good Adobe Photoshop work. I saw Wyclef at the airport a couple of months ago and he looked nothing like that. Face is him, legs are him but midsection and torso "ADOBE PHOTOSHOP" for the one who want to break it down, look at the shadow his left arm left on the garage door which is about 15 feet from where the bike is. Second look out how shinny the middle part of the body compare to his face and legs. Third look at the shadow of the bike. It's before the motorcycle which will indicate the light source is behing the bike. Just for info. Enjoy and tell Wyclef he can get the same results with 3 months at the gym and a good diet. lol

Rich, October 26 2012, 1:01 PM

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Why, oh why? read more >
Colette, 25-Oct-12 3:53 pm
Really!!? He doesn't look that bad. However, really? I'm not in total agreement of it. It lacks a bit of class. But hey, if this is how he wants to... read more >
Lyne, 25-Oct-12 4:25 pm
Man panties????? What is up with that? I don't believe that this is his body, only his head. I don't know if he gave permission for this photo or... read more >
Patsy Abner, 26-Oct-12 10:43 am
that's not wyclef... photoshop. read more >
Haitien, 26-Oct-12 11:42 am
Good Adobe Photoshop work. I saw Wyclef at the airport a couple of months ago and he looked nothing like that. Face is him, legs are him but... read more >
Rich, 26-Oct-12 1:01 pm
Personnellement,je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a de choquant sur cette photo!Il a un beau corps,bien conserve§Je pense qu'il faut montrer les belles... read more >
Lisa, 28-Oct-12 5:16 am


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