President.M Joseph Martelly visiting Congo to see if he can...

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President.M Joseph Martelly visiting Congo to see if he can take refuge there

Joseph, October 15 2012, 9:47 PM

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Did Martelly use Air Force One to travel? :) read more >
Paul, 15-Oct-12 12:53 pm
President.M Joseph Martelly visiting Congo to see if he can take refuge there read more >
Joseph, 15-Oct-12 9:47 pm
Handle your business! read more >
Makenzi Jerome, 16-Oct-12 7:18 am
I think the President Martelly did the right thing by visiting Africa. Hatiti has always refer to Africa as the mother land. Eventhough our culture... read more >
Ayitienne, 23-Oct-12 4:48 am


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