Oooo.... w' gen yon Simbi selmen? Si w' pa konnen, moun yo...

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Reply to Msg 9018


w' gen yon Simbi selmen?

Si w' pa konnen, moun yo sevi S. Makaya nan wouj e vert, lot Simbi nan vert e jon...

petet w' pa konnen.

Ki konbyen Dantor w' genyen?

Li pa pran ble ak lo?

petet w' pa konnen.

Chak se wa nan kay yo.

Yo Pa Konnen, August 20 2012, 12:33 AM

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"Houngan" Matt is a bogus houngan, who had a bogus ceremony. They made an ass out of the white man who wanted to be Haitian. Now he thinks he is a... read more >
Sweet Jones, 19-Aug-12 3:43 pm
oooo.... w' gen yon Simbi selmen? Si w' pa konnen, moun yo sevi S. Makaya nan wouj e vert, lot Simbi nan vert e jon... petet w' pa konnen. Ki... read more >
Yo Pa Konnen, 20-Aug-12 12:33 am
Oh oh! And you ad begging for people to buy your bottles said " Papa" Simbi! Fool, you know nothing about him. Not even his colors. You have never... read more >
Sweet Jones, 23-Aug-12 3:23 pm
Know your place Houngan Matt. How dare you come on a Haitian website and call a Haitian man a "thief"? You are one trying to steal OUR religion. You... read more >
Sweet Jones, 23-Aug-12 3:47 pm
Houngan Matt You replied under the name " Yo pa konnen" that should be your spiritual name. Because you don't know, lol. Trying to talk about other... read more >
Sweet Jones, 23-Aug-12 8:23 pm
Houngan Matt??? Abougja Bo Houngan died of Aids not cancer. Matt do not go there trying to bully a woman over a reply to this post. Anybody can... read more >
Sweet Jones, 25-Aug-12 11:50 am
He is promotion the country I don't se anything wrong with that read more >
Ro, 22-Apr-13 12:27 pm


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