how are you? what is your name?

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what is your name?

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how are you? what is your name? read more >
Topic, 8-Oct-04 3:36 pm
i'am a haitian female wanting to go to college to become a doctor and go back to haiti and make a difference for our sick children can any one help... read more >
Topic, 14-Oct-04 6:38 pm
Hello,I am currently a Haitian senior who plans to attend collge next year,but i can'tfind any scholarships for Haitain....There need to be one!!!... read more >
Topic, 29-Oct-04 2:20 pm
tantan,i am sorry for ur lost it s very hard when u loose someone so love and special my condolences go to ur family ur fans and friends love u... read more >
Topic, 23-Nov-04 11:47 pm
I have written something which I want to take my time to corect first. Once I am done, I will pass it around and you will see how Haitians here, in... read more >
Topic, 15-Jan-05 12:22 am
To MT, FL Garry Destin: I am deeply agree with you. I have just came in the USA however I finish to understand that our community is very, very... read more >
Topic, 16-Jan-05 10:36 am
I will ansew your greeting tomorrow. read more >
Topic, 19-Jan-05 12:57 am
What I want to say is our problem is from our begining of the republic as we went through slavery which was included chains and harsh punishments it... read more >
Topic, 19-Jan-05 8:53 pm
The money from the nation security card will buy read built homes for farmers. Here is how it works no one is allow to own over two ecres of land... read more >
Topic, 19-Jan-05 9:38 pm
What I wrote is for Victor Brismondy. I hope you like it. read more >
Topic, 19-Jan-05 9:55 pm
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