Very good lacey, ha ha ha, and you think this is funny! Only...

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Reply to Msg 5710

Very good lacey, ha ha ha, and you think this is funny! Only to you old white Texan.

You should wonder why you are doing "church" work. Hilarious, is not it?

Only you Lacey, stupid Coward would used somebody else's name to blog ethnic filth.

We know Marcy Paul's writing and it is not his. Go to sleep or better yet, drop dead Lacey.

Marie Janty, September 16 2010, 8:19 PM

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Topic: Nicole Kidman Visits Haiti, Her Focus is on Sexual Violence

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It is heartrending to read about the misery the Haitian people has to undergo after the earthquake; nonetheless these sexual violence against women... read more >
David Grant, 2-Aug-10 12:11 pm
Shame on these people that are committing these acts against these women. Of all the suffering that have happened in these last few months you would... read more >
Yvette Duverge, 3-Aug-10 11:22 am
Aux grands maux les grands remedes.The only reason for me to go to Haiti is to fight,all kind of fights read more >
Malcom X, 25-Aug-10 2:54 pm
I encourage anybody who can to visit haiti and help any way they can, wether it's finance, mentor ect.It's time haitian woman know how to defense... read more >
Betina Omelius, 13-Sep-10 5:04 pm
Nicole Kidman needs to mind her own business. Jeez, Our Black men in Haiti are mostly rapist and lazy. They drink alcohol and do drugs and then go... read more >
Marcy Paul, 14-Sep-10 7:05 pm
Very good lacey, ha ha ha, and you think this is funny! Only to you old white Texan. You should wonder why you are doing "church" work. Hilarious... read more >
Marie Janty, 16-Sep-10 8:19 pm


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