haiti - what have you done positively lately?

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Reply to Msg 4742

You know what, I have never met such ignorant bastards than you people.

Not even Africans are not as ignorant as you folks.

The rice was a contributor to your diet, but was not intended to be the only source of nutrition.

GET IT. Why did not you look for your beans and porks or chicken to go along with the rice?

The donor countries are trying to help you and you are barking at them. Very smart of you. The donor countries are mainly US and Canada.

I wish they can stop feeding you, put wall all over the Dominican Republic, US should police their borders and Canada their airports so that everybody should ignore you and let you people destroy yourselves.

Nobody would missed you anyway.

All you people can do is complain, complain, and complain like like little bastards that you are. You can't take care of yourselves and expect the whole world to take care of you. You are a bunch of helpless and ingrates sons of bitches I have ever seen. You are pompous, vein and pretenders.

You got your independence, help a few country doing theirs.

That is what 2 hundred years ago. What have you done lately?

what have you done to prove that you are part of this world, this economy and this society?


I Hate you for your practice of canibilism, your negativism on life. YOu never have positive things to say. It is always, give me give give give me give give give give give me give me give me give me give and more give me give me give me give give me give me give give give give give give give and more give me give give give giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive and you always want more and more and more and more. Don't you have any shame or are you incapable of growth?

As soon you get more, you start complaining about the quality and intention of your charitable donors as if they owe you..You don't understand charitable acts.The world is going to get tired of your act pretty soon and you will be let alone to face your miserable fate that you so deserved.

Adams Montenegro, April 23 2010, 7:27 PM

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our people are not stupid. this articles is to see how the haitians population feel about the aid been stop we the nation we are calling for... read more >
Martine Civil, 23-Apr-10 2:39 am
You know what, I have never met such ignorant bastards than you people. Not even Africans are not as ignorant as you folks. The rice was a... read more >
Adams Montenegro, 23-Apr-10 7:27 pm
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