criminal impersonation

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Please be advised that there are some sick individual (s) posting disturbing commments under "Bernadette" which is also my name. I have commented on numerous occasions on your site. I do not wish the public to think the comments under "Bernadette" are coming from the SAME person, in this case I. There are also some very unflattering comments impersonating Michelle Obama, President Obama, and other public figures.

The difference is that I am not a public figure.

These individual (s ) is or are slandering my name as these comments undermined comments truly made by myself.

I furthermore want to make it publicly clear that I want to pursue this case legally.

"The Phone number 1-425-274-0657 to get the originating I.P. addresses of these people but the voice mail encourages e-mail instead.

If the administrative office of would be kind enough to e-mail me back on this issue, It would be greatly appreciated as it is also a disgrace to this site.
Thank you
Bernadette (the real one

Thanks for bringing this to our attention We took care of it

Bernadette, February 9 2010, 7:50 PM

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