I just finished watching the video. Although I resent the fact...

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Reply to Msg 2822

I just finished watching the video.

Although I resent the fact that the author used Cite Soleil for her documentary because it is no way a represntation of Haiti but he made some good points acknowledging that the problem is more complex and education (both men and women) would play a significant role in resolving it. I wished he spent more time on the socio-economic and cultural factors that cause a woman to have so many children.

Better propositions could come from from such approach.

Patrick, April 5 2009, 11:41 AM

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Topic: Haiti News, Haiti is In the New York Times Today

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I just finished watching the video. Although I resent the fact that the author used Cite Soleil for her documentary because it is no way a... read more >
Patrick, 5-Apr-09 11:41 am
anny time haiti make news is someting bad,never good news tank you so much for keep me posted. read more >
Guerline, 5-Apr-09 6:43 pm
Today iam taking big pleasure to give my opinion aboutthe article because i see every newspaper they always talk about bad situation of haiti.I... read more >
Berthauny Bernard, 5-Apr-09 6:55 pm
News is usually bad news, it's not that every news about Haiti is bad news, have you been watching TV lately, there's bad news all over the world... read more >
Robert, 6-Apr-09 1:54 am
If you read the article carefully, Kristof gave a worldwide estimate of unplanned pregnancies. I do not think that the article was being critical of... read more >
Gigistpreux, 6-Apr-09 12:55 pm
I agree that education is imperative to the solution but what about the father who refuse to use condoms and or other controceptives. when your... read more >
Josiane Gedeon, 6-Apr-09 6:35 pm
I don't know why everyone is quick to speak negative and to be honest it all too negative. The only thing haitian can do for haiti right now is to... read more >
Grow-up Haitian, 2-Jul-09 11:58 am


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