Congratulation to Mrs. Garcia and wishing her all the very...

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Reply to Msg 2465

Congratulation to Mrs. Garcia and wishing her all the very best in her position.

She must be smart, professional and diplomatic.

President Obama would have never been where he is today without those great qualities.

Harry Toussaint, February 4 2009, 11:08 AM

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Topic: Evelyn Garcia, first Haitian-American member of the DNC

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Last Sunday, after church, a member said that someone has told her that Michelle Obama's mother is Haitian or she is related to a Haitian family. Is... read more >
Fritz Morency, 22-Jan-09 5:54 pm
oui la politicque nord Americaine ouvre de plus en plus leur porte a nos compatriotes pour dire nous sommes en mesure nous aussi de faire de bonne... read more >
Emmanuel, 22-Jan-09 7:28 pm
I am very proud of her. But what the meaning of being a child of Y, Z, if you can not give a helping hand to the mother (your mother). Then, Today... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 1-Feb-09 6:54 pm
Espoir? comme dit le President Preval, notre President etant ne Haitien, non pas un privilege mais un droit. Espoir c'est attendre en se resignant... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 1-Feb-09 7:07 pm
Oui, tout est bien, et qu'il en soit ainsi. Notre passe nous sourit comme le jour d’hier. Notre fierte s’y est arretee comme dans une impasse... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 1-Feb-09 7:45 pm
Congratulation to Mrs. Garcia and wishing her all the very best in her position. She must be smart, professional and diplomatic.President Obama... read more >
Harry Toussaint, 4-Feb-09 11:08 am
i think we are now on top and i wait to hear that an haitian become the president of the state just to see what it will be for haiti and democrate... read more >
Jean Mackendy Alerte, 11-Jun-09 8:07 am


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