Nice excuse. Se ozetazini depi Se on blan ki fe on krim yo di...

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Reply to Msg 16695

Nice excuse.

Se ozetazini depi Se on blan ki fe on krim yo di Se pwoblem mantal Li gen yen pou yo ka lagel

Jean Salomon, March 7 2016, 9:05 AM

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Topic: Haiti Kidnapping Trial - Clifford Brandt Claims he is CRAZY, he is Pleading INSANITY

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He must b crazy, this is not normal, since the country has no. Discipline. Government is the same stealing, whatever you do. You learn it from your... read more >
Patrick Derilus, 7-Mar-16 8:49 am
Thank you for that excuse. read more >
Patrick Princivil, 7-Mar-16 8:54 am
Nice excuse. Se ozetazini depi Se on blan ki fe on krim yo di Se pwoblem mantal Li gen yen pou yo ka lagel read more >
Jean Salomon, 7-Mar-16 9:05 am
Only a fool will believe a cock and bull like that. read more >
Bwa Sanfey, 7-Mar-16 10:44 am
When people are crazy they never admit they crazy just went to get off they should kill him in jail already read more >
Maggie Dumercy, 7-Mar-16 2:05 pm
He is a bluffer. Kill him before he kills more people. When a dog is in rage, you kill that dog to evoid more problems. He is a terrorist like BEN... read more >
Papylove, 7-Mar-16 3:20 pm
He's not a crazy person he is a criminal, this man need electric chair He been killed to many people read more >
Yves Cantave, 9-Mar-16 5:20 am
li pas fou.. lajan kap fel gaye konsa.. kite kaka nam poubel li ye an sosyete an pas bzwen brandt read more >
Brandon, 1-Sep-16 8:24 pm
Even Clifford Brandt was wrong the Haitian justice system is also wrong the very unfair to rules the law because to many Big name including to this... read more >
Saintil, 8-Oct-16 7:20 pm


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