I feel really sad about this my dear fellow Woodring. It is...

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Reply to Msg 15079

I feel really sad about this my dear fellow Woodring.

It is even sadder when it comes to you. If the government is promoting tourism, it is very important that they be aware of this basic facts, so they can take the appropriate actions.

Hopefully someone with mention that matter them. Good luck! May the GREAT ARCHITECT OH THE UNIVERSE BLESS!!! Sem Moise Philippe...

Sem Moise Philippe, April 16 2015, 6:15 PM

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Topic: Haiti Health - My simple medical problem got complicated due to lack of medicine

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Problem nan simple, maladiw fe a pa egziste en Haiti. La plus de maladie mounn kap viv nan lot pays yo fe, pas genyen yo haiti. read more >
Jean Venus, 16-Apr-15 9:38 am
Mezammi ki sa ou Te guin mim tete charge nan pays sa mwen espere ou re prenn toutes activities ou yo read more >
Marie Elie, 16-Apr-15 4:21 pm
I feel really sad about this my dear fellow Woodring. It is even sadder when it comes to you. If the government is promoting tourism, it is very... read more >
Sem Moise Philippe, 16-Apr-15 6:15 pm
Woodrigue frem ban priye pou: Au nom de Jesus de Nazareth kelke swa dyab rasyal, kelke swa maladi li ye a, mwen komandew: soti nan ko Woodrigue... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 17-Apr-15 7:21 am
sa pa vle di gin problem health medical ayiti Pou sa paske selman ou minm ki pa jwenn sa'w gin bezoin yan sa pa fer sans konsa WAP kraze peyia avek... read more >
Marie, 17-Apr-15 9:32 am
sa pa vle di gin problem health medical ayiti Pou sa paske selman ou minm ki pa jwenn sa'w gin bezoin yan sa pa fer sans konsa WAP kraze peyia avek... read more >
Marie, 17-Apr-15 9:32 am
It is not the country or town; maybe it is a matter of demands. It is a society the believe in alternative medicine so chemical medicine is rare... read more >
Garry, 17-Apr-15 10:10 am
Haiti is still an under develop county. We have a long way to go. Some one who is smart like you needs to be its advocat. read more >
Maude Pierre, 19-Apr-15 7:10 am
There are about 35 pharmaceuticals agencies approved by the department of pharmacy. Those agencies are under rules and regulations that changes... read more >
Caroll, 19-Apr-15 11:47 pm


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