There's not much to say at this point on because our former...

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Reply to Msg 14181

There's not much to say at this point on because our former Senator "Yuri Latorture" clearly rectified for the nation today on "Scoop FM" the visit of the British Boat in Haiti.

Additionally, our media in Haiti concentrate more on gossiping instead of stimulate the real information to the people.

Carlo Murad, November 25 2014, 3:59 PM

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Topic: Haiti - British warship arrives in Cap-Haitien, 21-Gun salute creates panic in the city

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si se pou te fe. manifestasyon yo tout tap deja konnen read more >
Joseph, 25-Nov-14 10:05 am
There's not much to say at this point on because our former Senator "Yuri Latorture" clearly rectified for the nation today on "Scoop FM" the visit... read more >
Carlo Murad, 25-Nov-14 3:59 pm
May I ask to whom this salutation when out to? Do we have an Army in the North? Those shots meaning something that is not reveal to the general... read more >
Ritho Jean Louis, 25-Nov-14 9:52 pm
Moi je pense qu'ils n'ont pas devoile la vraie raison. Ils sont forcement venus faire quelque chose ou chercher quelqu'un. Malheureusement pour... read more >
Le Capois, 26-Nov-14 4:24 am
we don't need them, this poor country we fight for it, don't let know body, don't let no army touch our country read more >
Rose Vincent, 26-Nov-14 11:32 am
I am happy the British enter the land of Anacaona St Fleur Family welcome you in haiti. Hebreuxstfleur St Fleur read more >
Hebreuxstfleur Stfleur, 26-Nov-14 9:35 pm


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