I understand that many ppl think that u av to be granmoun to...

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I understand that many ppl think that u av to be granmoun to build a business in haiti but for all i know is not a priority cuz i av ppl in my family and friend that av a life they build life in business haiti wat they all did is to study the market and ppl around them my advice to anyone who want to open a business in haiti.

If u wantto be successful u need to study ppl around u for exemple if u can give credit to some ppl when they dont av money they will come straight to ur house when they av money the same with ppl that asking u for change to eat if u usually give them u gonna secure more then obama in haiti and if ur product are lower of course ppl will come to u. My mom open a little thing with a bag of candy now she got a big convinient store where she sale en gro et en detail.

I av a friend who start saling cd on the street and this cd thing help him open a cyber cafe where he does photocopy, fixing computers, now he end up with the bigger business in haiti business work very good back home cuz haiti is a virgine in every way u just need to know how to deal with ppl around u cuz they a the insurans of a business in haiti

Jean Guerold, September 14 2014, 1:06 PM

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I understand that many ppl think that u av to be granmoun to build a business in haiti but for all i know is not a priority cuz i av ppl in my... read more >
Jean Guerold, 14-Sep-14 1:06 pm
Ah ban-m bay opinion-m nan lang manman-m ak papa-m te fe-m nan. Diaspora ki gen lajan yo, nou pe fe biznis an Haiti an tem ke yap peye nou an... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 14-Sep-14 2:13 pm
Mwen te guin mari'm ki mouri isit nan USA, mwen ak li nou te bati yon kay nan santo 25. li te mete yon fre'l yo te deporte nan kay la. Ebien, apre... read more >
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