Pou nou ka fe plis kob. 10$ pa tet. Ala moun yo konn kob papa.

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Reply to Msg 12885

Pou nou ka fe plis kob. 10$ pa tet. Ala moun yo konn kob papa.

Willienne Sou Facebook, July 9 2014, 2:57 PM

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Topic: Haiti Minister of Tourism invites the Haitian diaspora to visit friends and family in Haiti this Summer

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Le seul ou rare ministere proactif en Haiti qui travaille incessamment pour ameliorer l'image du pays a l'exterieur afin d'attirer les investisseurs... read more >
Ralph Sou Facebook, 9-Jul-14 2:50 pm
Pou nou ka fe plis kob. 10$ pa tet. Ala moun yo konn kob papa. read more >
Willienne Sou Facebook, 9-Jul-14 2:57 pm
M panse se yon gro pa pou ayiti paske, malgre, se ayitien ki touris peyi-a, akoz de insekirite, yo te oblije al pran detant yo nan lot peyi ki koute... read more >
Leonel Sou Facebook, 9-Jul-14 3:00 pm
Dear Minister of Tourism. Many Haitians would love to vacation in Haiti, but they are afraid of being mugged. This week, I know two people who went... read more >
Jean, 9-Jul-14 3:24 pm
While the government is asking Haitians to go on vacation, there are kidnapping going on right after you leave the airport. Isn't that double... read more >
Frantz Nelson, 13-Jul-14 12:59 pm
We have 85 percent of Haitian intellectuals living in the diaspora in which we were forced to live outside our country for the interest of Haitian... read more >
Frantz Nelson, 15-Jul-14 4:34 pm
Article om Haiti by Germany's magazine DER SPIEGEL A DAMNED PARADISE Does Haiti Need Tourism? Or Does It Need Justice? Human rights attorney Mario... read more >
B Murphy Bridge, 18-Jul-14 9:03 pm


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