Haiti Minister of Tourism invites the Haitian diaspora to visit friends and family in Haiti this Summer
Stephanie Villedrouin - Haiti Minister of Tourism
This is a great thing for the Government of Haiti to be asking Haitians living abroad to come vacation at home...
After all... You the diaspora always said "Depi Haiti genyen SEKIRITE n-ap vini..." Se pa vre? Eh bien... VINI... Voye timoun yo vinn pran ti vakans yo nan an Haiti... LOL...
What do you think about that? Kisa-w panse?
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All Comments (8)
Article om Haiti by Germany's magazine DER SPIEGEL
Does Haiti Need Tourism?
Or Does It Need Justice?
Human rights attorney Mario Joseph and Tourism Minister Stéphanie Villedrouin are both trying to improve Haiti, but they are following radically different paths.
The one wants justice, the other wants tourism.
We have 85 percent of Haitian intellectuals living in the diaspora in which we were forced to live outside our country for the interest of Haitian/ American politicians.
So; the new replacement of the 85 percent is doom with sadness.
The 15 percent who remains are not all intellectuals.
While the government is asking Haitians to go on vacation, there are kidnapping going on right after you leave the airport.
Isn't that double standard?
Meanwhile Haiti is open for business while Haiti is the most expensive country in the Islands.
Yes, Haiti is open for the rich around the world.
I think that the Minister of Tourism should allow low cost rates for Haitians visiting their
Dear Minister of Tourism.
Many Haitians would love to vacation in Haiti, but they are afraid of being mugged.
This week, I know two people who went to Haiti separately, as soon as they left the airport, their car was stopped and all their wallets and hand bags were stolen from them with their important papers.
That's a shame.
Do something about the nation's security if you want people to
M panse se yon gro pa pou ayiti paske, malgre, se ayitien ki touris peyi-a, akoz de insekirite, yo te oblije al pran detant yo nan lot peyi ki koute gouvenman ayitien anpil lajan.
Min se pa selman sa ki doue chanje nan peyi, gouvenman doue fe tout sal kapab poul cree program kap ede chaje atitid moun nan peyi ayiti vis-a-vis moun kap vinn depanse ou investi nan
Pou nou ka fe plis kob. 10$ pa tet. Ala moun yo konn kob
Le seul ou rare ministere proactif en Haiti qui travaille incessamment pour ameliorer l'image du pays a l'exterieur afin d'attirer les investisseurs necessaires pour le developpement du tourisme qui eventuellement deviendra l'une des meilleures sources de devises et de la creation d'emplois...
soyons conscient que c'est un projet a long terme dans un secteur tres competitif dans lequel la majorite des competiteurs on 10-15 ans d'experience concrête.
Ce n'est une tache mondaine ou facile dans un millieu ou tout est a refaire et ou les fonds de l'etat sont geré de maniere cavaliere.
Lari yo two sal m pap vini. Petyon vil lakay mwen chaje mache nan tout lari a....
Lew rive bo ansyen simetye a, la tounnen kwabosal
2. Bo ansyen mache a anfas st jan bosko a, la santi, chaje machann.
Epi nap envite nou vini nan salte sa yo?
Epi bel hotel ap konstwi.
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