How are you going to compare Pounds Sterling. Dollar and...

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Reply to Msg 12602

How are you going to compare Pounds Sterling.

Dollar and Gourde, lol. The UK and France or anywhere in Europe will naturally be more expensive because their money is worth more than the US Dollar.

The US dollar doesn't go far anywhere Middle east or Europe.

Of course the Minustah doesn't have that issues, they have the wealthy UN footing the bill. Haiti has to understand who is truly going to bring business back to the country and the diaspora is who it will be. The truth hurts just cause I have the money doesn't mean i'm going to spend it. The problem with Haitians is that you can't stare the truth in the face you rather brush it under the table.

What are people gonna think?

Who cares!

Frustratedhaitian, June 18 2014, 12:47 AM

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Topic: VIDEO: Haiti is NOT open for Business, Haiti is TOO Expensive - Frustrated Haitian

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You are absolutely right. Haiti is not open for anything read more >
Joe Marmont, 17-Jun-14 7:27 pm
The truth hurts but it's the truth. La verite blesse mais c'est la verite read more >
Les, 17-Jun-14 8:46 pm
on some point you right,it's open for business not open for tourist,we need more investor to go invest built resorts where all inclusive but now we... read more >
Jean, 18-Jun-14 12:27 am
How are you going to compare Pounds Sterling. Dollar and Gourde, lol. The UK and France or anywhere in Europe will naturally be more expensive... read more >
Frustratedhaitian, 18-Jun-14 12:47 am
How are you going to compare Pounds Sterling. Dollar and Gourde, lol. The UK and France or anywhere in Europe will naturally be more expensive... read more >
Frustratedhaitian, 18-Jun-14 12:47 am
Se vre ayiti fout tro che pou moun vin investi ladan yo pa vle fe oken defisi pou soulaje mize pep la epi le kob la rantre nan men yo ou pa we sa yo... read more >
Douglas Vital Jean, 18-Jun-14 2:23 am
i disagree with her because she dont even know what she is talking about read more >
David Larson, 18-Jun-14 9:39 am
You sound very well spoken but obviously you're an idiot... The government doesn't own Hotels... Please direct things to pertinent parties... read more >
Miguelito, 18-Jun-14 1:28 pm
A Jamaican or Trini would never use their voice to speak ill of their discourage others to go. U disgust me. Get your $$ up read more >
Sandra, 18-Jun-14 4:30 pm
You having to take care of family doesnt have a damn hing to do with business in Haiti. Business and personal matters have nothing to do with one... read more >
Sandra, 18-Jun-14 4:33 pm
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